
EME2040 Intro to Educational Technology Syllabus ONLINE

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Look below for the course syllabus: 







































































 Introduction to      

Educational Technologies

EME 2040  John M. Bouchard

Cell:  463-0259

JBouchar@fccj.edu  or  BouchardJ@dreamsbeginhere.org



Course Description:


This course is an applications and theory course designed to familiarize participants with various technologies and their uses in education. 


General Course Objective:


Upon completion of this course, the student will be familiar with a variety of instructional technologies and be able to apply them to the teaching/learning process.


Specific Objectives:


Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:


1.                  Describe key learning theories and relate them to the use of technologies in teaching and learning.

2.                  Summarize the history of technology in education

3.                  Prepare an instructional design and lesson plan that demonstrates the effective use of technology in instruction

4.                  Identify and use the microcomputer hardware and software appropriate to an educational environment.

5.                  Evaluate the effectiveness of educational hardware and software

6.                  Describe and demonstrate the application of key Internet and World Wide Web resources in teaching and learning

7.                  Identify the types and describe the use of each of the major groups of educational technologies.

8.                  Describe the components of distance education and explain its impact on education

9.                  Demonstrate an understanding of the critical educational, ethical, and social issues relating to technology in instruction.

10.             Identify and describe how key emerging technologies are likely to have impact on education.




Course Materials:


Teaching and Learning with Technology, Third Edition (2007) Lever-Duffy, et. al.  Boston: Allyn & Bacon


Additional Materials

1.      (1) 1 GB flash drive for storage

2.      (1) Flash drive

3.      (1) 3 ring notebook-binder


Course Resources


Companion Website

Your textbook has an excellent website with resources you will need to complete course activities and assignments. Visit this dynamic site at: http://www.ablongman.com/lever-duffy3e




CourseCompass.com   Course ID: bouchard74939








Method of Evaluation and Grading System


Grading Policies:

This course is designed as a project-based course.  For that reason, the majority of your grade will be determined by the quality of the projects that you complete.  In addition to the course projects, you will also have 2 exams, and a final required project.  Together these are weighted as follows:


Ÿ         Mid-Term                                                                                                        50 points

Ÿ         Final Exam                                                                                                      70 points

Ÿ         15 Portfolio Grades (class participation)                                                                                      300 points

Ÿ         Final Project and Presentation                                                                                                        60 points

                       Course Total                                                                                                                                    500 points


Extra credit is available; read the section concerning Extra Credit later in this Companion for details.


Grading Scale


   A = 450-500 pts       

 B = 400-449 pts         

  C = 350-399 pts       

                                      D = 300-349 pts       

   F = < 300 pts



Course Activities:

Unit Projects:

You must submit a variety of projects to demonstrate your competencies and complete the course requirements.  These projects will be organized into and submitted in a course portfolio and may be sent to the class wiki site.


Portfolios: Consist of ALL projects and assignments completed.

A portfolio lets you professionally organize activities that evidence your mastery of course objectives.  You have 5 portfolios for this class, each one covering different chapters.  Please make a hard copy of all online projects and artifacts and place in a 3 ring binder for organization and documentation.  The portfolios will be organized as follows:


                 Projects - Chapters 1 & 2   (20 pts each)                            

                 Projects - Chapters 3-6                                 

 Projects - Chapters 7-8                                      

 Projects - Chapters 9 &10                                

 Projects - Chapters 11 & 12             


Before you turn in each Portfolio for grading, make sure you have followed the assignment's directions carefully. Then, organize your assignments in order by chapter. Place the assignments into a small diameter 3-ring binder or secured folder. Remember that the appearance of this Portfolio is important, too.  You are turning in a collection of work that demonstrates your competencies and professionalism.  Its appearance should be appropriate to that goal.


Final Project and Presentation:

You will prepare a final project that demonstrates the instructional skills you have gained from this course.  , you will also give a 10-15 minute presentation of a single lesson component using the educational technology of your choice.  Details will be  provided in separate handout Your Final Presentation.



Extra Credit:    You can earn extra credit by taking the text’s on-line quizzes located on the text companion site and by completing additional optional activities.  For further information see me.




Textbook readings, classroom activities, lectures, and projects and examinations have been carefully prepared to complement each other. Therefore, students who attend class regularly, participate in discussions and complete the course activities in a timely manner are consistently successful in the course.


The exams will consist of two equally weighted parts, objective and hands-on questions.  The objective section may include multiple choice, true and false, short answer, and matching questions. The material for the objective questions will come from class discussions and your readings.  The hands-on questions will ask you to apply your knowledge of technology to education using specific technologies.  You will be expected to demonstrate your technology skills as well as your understanding of how various technologies can be used in teaching and learning.


Attendance and Other Course Responsibilities



You are expected to attend each scheduled class meeting because material covered in the lecture may not be available in the text or readings. Attendance will be taken daily and considered in awarding the final grade.


If you first attend the class after the published starting date, or are late to any class, you are responsible for seeing me after class to pick up any handouts or to check in for attendance purposes.



            Course Drops/Incompletes:

Students not completing the course for any reason are required to submit official drop notices to the Registrar's Office prior to the deadline date.  This is your responsibility.  Failure to comply with this procedure may result in your receiving a letter grade of "F".


A grade of Incomplete (I) will only be given under extreme circumstances.  Students must complete a written request for Incomplete before any extensions will be considered.




Because of the nature of the course, there will be considerable discussion of course topics. You are expected to voice opinions and ideas as well as participate in regular question and answer sessions.


Activity Responsibilities:

A variety of technologies will be used to present course material. Notes may be distributed along with other supplementary material provided. You are responsible for all lecture content, readings that relate to the course objectives and for material discussed in class.


The Course Companion lists the classroom topics for each week, the reading assignments that support the classroom activities, as well as class assignment information. You are expected to keep up with the textbook readings and are encouraged to use a 3-ring binder for organizing class notes and handouts.


The Classroom Atmosphere & You:

In a course such as this, discussion of educational technologies often becomes excited, so you are expected to treat everyone in the class with respect at all times. There will be ample opportunities for everyone to participate in discussions and activities, but you are expected to do so politely and with self control.  I will do my best to keep the course fun and relevant for the classroom teacher.  Please turn off your pager and / or cellular phone. If you need to use the rest room or need water I will allow you as an adult to decide if you need to leave the room as long as you do it quietly. We will take breaks approximately every hour so we can regroup and take care of our personal needs or phone calls etc.


Course Ethics:

Cheating in any fashion will not be tolerated, including but not limited plagiarizing another’ s words, work or ideas on individual class assignments, falsifying records or cheating on exams. However, you are encouraged to work and study together on specifically designated assignments.  Accordingly, you are responsible for answering any questions about any test or class assignment. Collaborative assignments will be assigned and this will be a model for use of group activities in a “real world” classroom.


A Final Word About Responsibilities:



           As your Instructor, I will always attempt to explain course material to you, will answer as many questions as possible, and keep your informed of             your progress. It is my goal to help you harness technology in order to help you be the most effective teacher possible.  Don't be afraid that your              concerns or questions seem to be foolish - they are not!   This course is the place to experiment and question, before you step foot in your own                classroom.  I will help you in every way possible to master the technologies you will need for teaching and learning.



As a future educator, you have made a decision to participate in a challenging and important course that will be of significant help in your chosen profession.  You are responsible for successfully completing the course as directed in this Syllabus not only for yourself and your degree, but in preparation to teach your own students. Contact me immediately if you do not fully understand instructions or the topics that have been covered; don't wait to the day before an exam or assignment is due. Be sure to read the entire Syllabus carefully and ask for clarification of anything you do not completely understand. I expect you join me in an active and energetic learning experience!




Weekly Schedule:

Jan. 8, 2007-   Introduction, meet and greet, power point, wiki, survey monkey.

Assignment: Create a wiki page, create a survey-10 technology questions and link on your wiki page. Email link to me for wiki.


Read Chapter 1- Theoretical Foundations


Jan. 15, 2008- Discuss Chapter 1, Learning Styles, MyLabSchool.com- videos,

Assignment: E-Learning p. 36, Integration Ideas, Evolution of Ed Tech

Read Ch.2-Technology Enhanced Instruction. Project: Create a survey monkey for your wiki site that illustrates all of the learning styles discussed in Ch. 1.


Jan. 22, 2008- Discuss Chapter 2, Planning for affective instruction, D-P-A System (design, plan, act). DID- dynamic instructional design p. 49, Formative and Summative feedback, Bloom’s taxonomy, Learning Environment p.58,pedagological cycle, Methods vs. Media, audio-visual-digital. Lesson plans- table 2.7-2.8.

Assignment:  E-Learning and Integration Ideas. Read Ch. 3-Applying Technologies. Project: Create a Power point that illustrates a well developed lesson plan that integrates the use of technology in the lesson.


Jan. 29, 2008- Discuss Chapter 3, Computers in the Learning Environment. Components of a computer, input and output devices, CPU, memory, and storage. Table 3.1- popular software, Table 3.2 Storage media, Table 3.3 stored data. Table 3.4 optical media, networks, Table 3.6 hardware evaluation.

Assignments: E-Learning and Integrating Ideas, Read Ch. 4- Digital Technologies in the Classroom.  Project: Bring a digital camera to next class and we will use to create digital story telling. (Ch.4)



Feb. 5, 2008- Discuss Ch. 4-Digital technologies in the classroom- we will use digital cameras to create slide shows, photo stories and movies.(hands on lab)

PC cams, microphones, touch screens, whiteboards, LCD projectors, scanners, wireless devices, E-books, voice activation, portable storage, virtual reality (VR),Table 4.1- Equipment evaluation rubric.


Assignments: E-Learning and Integration Ideas, Technology Rich Classroom: complete the survey and we will discuss in class.

Project: Use digital cameras, video, audio, podcasting, music downloads. Read Ch. 5- Administrative Software.


Feb. 12, 2008- Discuss Ch. 5- Administrative Software, productivity software

(MicroSoft Works, Office)  Class room management - Grade Quick.

Freeware, Shareware, site licenses, word processing software, spreadsheets, data management systems, presentation software. Clip Art (FCIT site), archiving and printing, templates, Table 5.3- Word processing in teaching and learning.

Assignment: E-Learning and Integration Ideas, Table 5.4- Spreadsheets. Table 5.6-Presentation software, Microsoft WORKS- p. 192-3, E-portfolios.


Assignment:  E-Learning and Integration Ideas, MyLabSchool.com,

Project: Create examples of word processing, spreadsheet and a project using presentation software. Read Ch. 6


Feb. 19, 2008- Discuss Ch.6 Academic Software, Table 6.1-Academic Software Summary, Hyperstudio for multimedia authoring, Authoring Systems, Desktop Publishing Software, Assignment: create a flyer, banner or a calendar that you could use in your current classes.

Graphics Software- clip art, paint, draw, imaging software, editing software, reference software, tutorials, Table 6.3- Academic software Evaluation Rubric.

Drill and Practice software: flash cards, multi media. Educational games-Table 6.4, Simulations: SIMS, Civilization, role playing etc. Special needs software (www.cec.sped.org) ILS-Integrated learning systems- learning targeted objectives. Brain storming and Concept-Mapping: Kidspiration and Inspiration software, KWL-charts,  Academic data bases- content specific (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts )


Assignment: E- Learning and Integration Ideas, MyLabSchool.com, Choose one of the ideas from p.243 and research that site and create a summary in Word to explain what you discovered and how it can be utilized in your classroom?


Feb. 19- Review Chapter 1-6 for Mid-Term Exam Feb. 26, 2008  Lab time: 6:00-7:00PM, Test- 7:00PM.



Feb. 26, 2008- Lab time complete projects. 6-7pm  Mid-Term Exam: Ch 1-6- 7pm


Will add rest of assignments by next week. Jan. 14, 2008, I plan to cover Ch. 7-12 in the same format as that above.

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